
Showing posts from July, 2018


PREPARING CITIZENS OF TOMORROW Written By : Shah Jahan In the recent years it has been seen rise in population and also literacy rate in Gilgit-Baltistan.the growth of public and government institutions resulted in the increase of literacy rate.however,what are state and public institutions doing to prepare these children of today into becoming capable citizens of tomorrow?the common complaint in the region is that mostly people lack the necessary fundamental skills compete effectively in the market place,thereby opening the gates for imported work force in many fields from the other part of the country. Are our institutions government and public schools providing the foundation to our students to turn into effective citizens?or we will continue to dependent on imported expertise?what then are the skills most parents would want their children to acquire?skills that would prepare them to take care of themselves independently and function effectively as adults. here's a list...

Impact of Political Instability on Economic Development in Pakistan: Sample Research Proposal

  Impact of Political Instability on Economic Development in Pakistan                                    1.Introduction Political Stability plays an important role in Economic Development of a country. An unstable political system could seriously hamper economic growth. The concept of political instability was described by Lipstel (1960). He stated, “a country is considered as stable if it has been a liberal and consistent democracy or dictatorship for 25 years”, but recent politico-economic school of thought has changed the tradition of political instability. The standard definition of political instability is the propensity of a government collapse either because of conflicts or rampant competition between various political parties   (Hussain, 2014) . Economic growth and political stability are ...

Women Empowerment By: Aamir Hussain

Women Empowerment By: Aamir Hussain Social and political spaces of expression for women have increasingly been squeezed in Pakistan over the years. The concerted social media vilification campaigns run against outspoken women by our misogynists, in the millions, are one of the indicators of our societal downfall. The facts of our downfall stare at us with an alarming caution that Pakistan has become one of the worst places for women to live in. Let us dwell on some of these alarming facts to make sense of the appalling state of affairs vis-a-vis women’s rights in Pakistan. According to the Global Gender Gap Report (2017), Pakistan ranks 136th on the attainment of education index, 140th on health and survival and 95th on the political empowerment of women, out of the 144 countries assessed in the report. Pakistan scored 0.546 overall on a scale wherein a score of 1.0 represents parity and 0 represents imparity . The country’s female/male population ratio was recorded at 1.06. ...