

PREPARING CITIZENS OF TOMORROW Written By : Shah Jahan In the recent years it has been seen rise in population and also literacy rate in Gilgit-Baltistan.the growth of public and government institutions resulted in the increase of literacy rate.however,what are state and public institutions doing to prepare these children of today into becoming capable citizens of tomorrow?the common complaint in the region is that mostly people lack the necessary fundamental skills compete effectively in the market place,thereby opening the gates for imported work force in many fields from the other part of the country. Are our institutions government and public schools providing the foundation to our students to turn into effective citizens?or we will continue to dependent on imported expertise?what then are the skills most parents would want their children to acquire?skills that would prepare them to take care of themselves independently and function effectively as adults. here's a list

Impact of Political Instability on Economic Development in Pakistan: Sample Research Proposal

  Impact of Political Instability on Economic Development in Pakistan                                    1.Introduction Political Stability plays an important role in Economic Development of a country. An unstable political system could seriously hamper economic growth. The concept of political instability was described by Lipstel (1960). He stated, “a country is considered as stable if it has been a liberal and consistent democracy or dictatorship for 25 years”, but recent politico-economic school of thought has changed the tradition of political instability. The standard definition of political instability is the propensity of a government collapse either because of conflicts or rampant competition between various political parties   (Hussain, 2014) . Economic growth and political stability are strongly related. The uncertainty associated with an unsteadfast political environment may decrease investment and the speed of economic development. Moreover, weak economic

Women Empowerment By: Aamir Hussain

Women Empowerment By: Aamir Hussain Social and political spaces of expression for women have increasingly been squeezed in Pakistan over the years. The concerted social media vilification campaigns run against outspoken women by our misogynists, in the millions, are one of the indicators of our societal downfall. The facts of our downfall stare at us with an alarming caution that Pakistan has become one of the worst places for women to live in. Let us dwell on some of these alarming facts to make sense of the appalling state of affairs vis-a-vis women’s rights in Pakistan. According to the Global Gender Gap Report (2017), Pakistan ranks 136th on the attainment of education index, 140th on health and survival and 95th on the political empowerment of women, out of the 144 countries assessed in the report. Pakistan scored 0.546 overall on a scale wherein a score of 1.0 represents parity and 0 represents imparity . The country’s female/male population ratio was recorded at 1.06.

Two Female Students of Department of Toursim & Hospitality Management climbed over Minglik Peak Shimshal

Two Female Students of Department of Toursim & Hospitality Management climbed over Minglik Peak Shimshal In addition to the highest number of 7000 meter peaks Pakistan has got numerous 6000m, many a times ten or more standing shoulder to shoulder. In Pakistan mountaineers are allowed to climb any peak less then 6500m without any permit or prior permission, making it an ideal expedition to make. In addition, Baltistan Tours Pakistan has selected a number of trekking peaks, which we can offer to experienced trekkers, giving them a taste of climbing, without any previous experience and technical difficulties. Northern Areas of Pakistan, offer excellent opportunities for such ventures in the ranges of Hamalaya, Karakoram and Hindukush with two, three weeks programs with Baltistan Tours Pakistan you can scale one to three such peaks. Two female students of Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management from KIU Hunza Campus, Ms. Nadeema Sahar, and Ms. Samana Rahim represented

Policy Roundtable on Building Climate Resiliency in Karakoram International University Gilgit-Baltistan

Policy Roundtable on Building Climate Resiliency in Karakoram International University Gilgit-Baltistan Karakoram International University hosted a high-level policy round-table on building climate resiliency in Gilgit-Baltistan. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) and WWF-Pakistan organized the event with support of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and active involvement of other partners like Gilgit Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GB-DMA), Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), Pakistan Agriculture Research Council’s Mountain Research Center (MARC) and Karakorum International University’s Integrated Mountain Areas Research Center (IMARC). The event aimed to present the success and learning experiences of certain pilot interventions to the policymakers for potential up-scaling and out-scaling by exploring options of integrating the leanings into relevant policies in Gilgit Baltistan. The pilot interventions were

Social and Environmental Impact of Tourism Written By : Naila Ajaz

Social and Environmental Impact of Tourism Written By : Naila Ajaz The trend of domestic tourism towards North Pakistan, especially Gilgit-Baltistan, has increased exponentially during the last few years. The increasing trend itself is an evidence of peace and harmony in the region. I have heard people calling Gilgit-Baltstan a “Heaven on Earth”. I have also met people who are in love with the place and never want to go back. I regard those who have visited the place and invite those who haven’t. I like tourists, and it is always nice to welcome them to view the natural beauty of our mother land. I am not the one to stop you to picture the “Heaven”. You must come; it is your utmost right to sight the beauty and experiences the nature. It would be appreciated if you visited it with purpose, concern and care. Experiencing the natural beauty is also a means to connect with the divine; it really helps nourish the soul. Imagine a midnight walk under the clear blue sky with shinning st

LLB Degree Undergraduate Five Proramme 2018-19

LLB Degree Undergraduate Five Proramme 2018-19 Law  is a  system  of rules that are created and  enforced through social or governmental institutions  to regulate  behavior .  Law is a system that regulates and ensures that individuals or a community adhere to the will of the state. State-enforced laws can be made by a collective legislature or by a single legislator, resulting in  statutes , by the executive through  decrees  and  regulations , or established by judges through  precedent , normally in  common law  jurisdictions. Private individuals can create legally binding  contracts , including arbitration agreements that may elect to accept alternative arbitration to the normal court process. The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a  constitution , written or tacit, and the  rights  encoded therein. The law shapes  politics ,  economics ,  history  and  society  in various ways and serves as a mediator of relations between people. For Details and Further In

What Is BALAWARISTAN: An overview of Balawaristan Nation-State

What Is BALAWARISTAN: An overview of Balawaristan Nation-State (View of Nawaz Khan Naji) I believe the balti broshoo(yashkoon) sheen khowar and wakhi people and those Kashmiris gujjars kohistanis pathans turks and hazaris who lived there before the Pakistani occupation Belong to yhe sae nation. We need a common name this area is th junction of the Himalayas Hindu kush and karakoram ranges in between the roof of the word tibet and pamir. There are many high peaks like nanga parbet and the biggest glaciers of the world like siachen here. In the past the area was known as the bala which means high. The people were called balawar. That is why We call the area from ladakh tp chitral balawaristan. This area was part of Jammu and Kashmir. After partition ad the wars with india it was ocupied by pakistan. But it is never described as azad Kashmir but as the northern areas by Islamabad which rules it by proxy In the early 18th centry balawar was divided into several states wh

Understanding the GB Governance Order 2018

Understanding the GB Governance Order 2018 The people of Gilgit –Baltistan have been relegated to oblivion for 70 years of their struggle for meaningful integration with the mainland Pakistan.  By Amir Hussain Divine Comedy is profanity because it invokes the evil spirits where the inferno and purgatory consume the human will to goodness. Dante’s journey to hell, purgatory and paradise is instructive of our state of being in Gilgit-Baltistan in 21s century. Purgatory in the mountains of extreme North of Pakistan –the Gilgit-Baltistan was codified in an Order issued by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi on May, 29, 2108 in the GB Legislative Assembly (GBLA). Political agitation against what is termed as ‘a colonial style direct rule’ by the protesters seem to be unveiling the intent of the document as it unfolds to public in pieces. Being a piecemeal document with little attention to details there are serious discrepancies between the speech of prime minister and the a